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SCDN Quarterly Meeting - Feb 3, 2023

  • 02/03/2023
  • 8:30 AM
  • Zoom only for this meeting.


Registration is closed

Register Now for the Feb 3, 2023 Quarterly Meeting

Location: Zoom only for this meeting. (Zoom link will be sent after you register)

Members Attend meetings for FREE! Not yet a member? Sign up at thescdn.org. Non-members pay $15 per meeting.

In addition to our normal meeting format, we will have a special guest presenter. See details below:

Topic: 5 Ways to Get More Done Before Lunch 

Speaker: Sarah Ohanesian, SO Productive

You are busy! There is an endless to-do list, and your attention and time get spread thin. Imagine if you got out from under your never-ending lists, always knew what to work on next, and reduced your stress!? Learn how to manage your to-dos, set your day up for maximum efficiency, combat distractions, and fight burnout. In this jam-packed session, Sarah will break down simple and actionable steps that make a big impact. Walk away with 5+ easy-to-implement ways to get more done immediately. Hands-on exercises ensure you leave this session equipped to get the right things done before lunch.

Sarah is a productivity coach.  She specializes in helping folks go from feeling overwhelmed to feeling accomplished, fulfilled, and joyful every day.  Her goal is to get you from burnout to loving what you do.

If you have questions you'd like to ask your collegues in the Round Robin, please send them to Amy Cummings-Leight, SCDN President at acummings-leight@frederickliving.org by noon on Feb. 2nd.

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As the largest association of senior care fund raising professionals in the mid-Atlantic region, SCDN’s membership is comprised of those professionals who choose to freely network with others in the senior care venue.