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Update and Quarterly Meeting: Friday, May 6, 2022

  • 05/06/2022
  • Zoom or at Grand Lodge Hall Masonic Village ,71 Freemason Dr., Elizabethtown 17022


  • Requires specific code to get this rate.

Registration is closed

EVENT: Update and Quarterly Meeting

WHEN: Friday, May 6, 2022

LOCATION: Zoom or at Masonic Village Elizabethtown.

The meeting will be held in Grand Lodge Hall, Masonic Village, Elizabethtown. GPS does not offer good directions to the specific street addresses on campus. So you can either Google, Grand Lodge Hall Masonic Village (address is 71 Freemason Dr., Elizabethtown 17022). Use this address to get to Masonic Village. Once on campus, DO NOT FOLLOW your GPS. Instead look for direction arrows on the large green signs to the "Visitor Center."

NOTE: Attached is the most up to date agenda for Friday's meeting.  05.06.2022 Agenda updated.pdf

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